Why is Crop Planning so Important?

You might ask yourself: “why is crop planning so important?”. And one reason you might be asking yourself this is because you are not yet at a scale that requires crop planning. If you’ve got 3 customers and 2 crops with similar growth cycles and only one harvest each week, you can probably work stuffContinue reading “Why is Crop Planning so Important?”

Launching SeedLeaf!

Well, as a first quick post we are happy to be launching the promo site for SeedLeaf! We are developing SeedLeaf as an easy-to-use online microgreens crop planning tool. Developed by Chris Thoreau and Joel Skrepnek, SeedLeaf strives to be the best microgreens crop planner ever. Building on the original urbanmicro.ca Crop Planning Spreadsheet, SeedLeafContinue reading “Launching SeedLeaf!”